
Global Summit on Community Philanthropy inspires movement to #ShiftThePower

07 May 2018

How many conferences that you’ve been to can you remember? I mean really remember, in the sense that it changed the way you think, or had a lasting effect on the field that you work in?

We wondered whether the Global Summit on Community Philanthropy, which took place in Johannesburg in December 2016, was such a meeting. So, we decided to find out with a follow-up survey to all the people on the GFCF mailing list. 

The results suggest yes: the Summit has inspired a new global understanding of what durable development looks like, and the hashtag #ShiftThePower is gaining ground as a global movement. The most remarkable finding is that the effects of the Summit are widely felt and not restricted to those who attended.

Detailed findings from the follow-up survey can be found here, and the GFCF invites your comments and feedback on the document. Do these survey results resonate with you? Have you or your organization changed any aspect of your work because of the Summit? Let us know!

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