Ahead of the #ShiftThePower Global Summit in Bogotá, the GFCF spoke to some friends and allies to capture their views of where the #ShiftThePower movement has got to, how the landscape has changed in recent years, and what the movement should focus on now. See all interviews here. GFCF: Where are we with the #ShiftThePower movement and where does it need to go now? Biraj Patnaik (BP): Much has changed since the #ShiftThePower movement began. The push for localization has accelerated in bilateral funding, and today organizations like USAID who traditionally held onto a lot of centralized funding are increasingly saying we will...
Ahead of the #ShiftThePower Global Summit in Bogotá, the GFCF spoke to some friends and allies to capture their views of where the #ShiftThePower movement has got to, how the landscape has changed in recent years, and what the movement...