
A call from #ShiftThePower to COP28 participants

09 Dec 2023

Languages available:   English Español


The #ShiftThePower movement, a global network of grassroots organizations, offers an unprecedented opportunity to efficiently and effectively work in solidarity with communities to address our greatest challenge, the climate crisis. As global leaders met at the COP in Dubai, over 700 change-makers  who work in communities in over 80 countries met in Bogotá with a focus on harnessing and mobilizing resources so that all may thrive, even in the midst of the climate crisis.

Helene Desanlis of ClimateWorks echoes what many other researchers are saying: “There is a growing recognition that the voices and leadership of frontline communities must be at the center of climate action.” However, funding for these innovative home grown-solutions is almost non-existent. According to the International Institute for Environment and Development in 2020 only 10% of climate funding reaches local communities in the Global South and 97% of international humanitarian aid is channeled through international intermediaries that dilute the funds. The most recent studies show no improvement. 

Around the world, communities at the forefront of the climate response are investing their local knowledge, finances, energy, and leadership. They are creating solutions that are locally-led and owned, often at a lower cost-benefit ratio.

With access to greater funding, these organizations, individually and collectively, could accelerate and expand their climate activities and better sustain their organizations. This network has the potential to absorb, direct and deploy financial resources in ways that recognize and harness local assets, build local power and – of greatest importance – do no harm.

We invite you to partner with this ecosystem of locally-led organizations in order to accelerate and scale local climate action. Strengthening the collective voice of grassroots communities and movements in the global climate discourse will empower climate justice.

We envision trust-based relationships that are transparent and inclusive. These partnerships would encourage risk-taking, reciprocal learning and capacity building. Successful solutions would be shared, scaled and adapted as needed with measurable impacts and accountability for all.  

We are already hard at work, and that work will continue. But we can do so much more, so much more effectively, if we tackle this together. Please engage with us. 


Signatories (if you would like to add your voice to it, please sign here):

Africa’s Voices Foundation

Agenda Joven Magdalena

Aksyon sa Kahandaan sa Kalamidad at Klima AKKMA

Alianza Fondos del Sur

Alianza Territorial De Mujeres ALIATE

Allies In Caring


Associação Nossa Cidade

Barbara Klugman Concepts


Better World Communications

Bole District Community Foundation

Bucharest Community Foundation

Cada Socio-Environmental Fund

Casa Fluminense

Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

CESE – Coordenadoria Ecumênica de Serviço

CISU – Civil Society in Development

Collective Change Lab

Comunidad AC

Coop Dayton

Corporación Cavendishia


Corporación TAMSA

Cotyledon Fund


Development Expertise Center

Divine Foundation for Disabled Persons


Emerger Fondo Socioambiental Colombia

Esperanza Peace and Justice Center

Fair Funding Solutions

FarmworkersAssocicion of Florida


Firelight Foundation

Fondo Comunitario Monteverde

Fondo Emerger

Fondo Ñeque

Fondo Potosino A. C.

Fondo Socioambiental del Perú

Fondo Tierra Viva

Fondo Tierra Viva

Fundacion ACDI/VOCA LA

Fundación Comunitaria Puebla

Fundacion Dar Amor – FUNDAMOR

Fundación DARVIP, red Latiendo, juzta paz

Fundación Hijos de la Sierra Flor

Fundación Ideas para la Paz

Fundacion Ñeque

Fundacion Punta de Mita

Fundación Socioambiental Semilla

Fundación SOLE Colombia

Fundación Territorial Barichara

Fundación Territorial Barichara Regenerativa

Fundación Territorial Barichara Regenerativa

Fundación Váyalo

Fundo Casa Socioambiental / Casa Socio-Environmental Fund

Global Alliance of Impact Networks

Global Fund for Community Foundations


Instituto Comunitario Baixada Maranhense

Instituto Sociedade, População e Natureza

Junta de Acción Comunal vereda Tiestos – Grupo Familias Ecológicas para el Buen Vivir


Maskani Digital Peacebuilding

Monteverde Commission for Resiience to Climate Change (CORCLIMA)

Monteverde Community Fund

Moving Minds Alliance

National Foundation for India

Neelan Tiruchelvam Trust

Nguvu Collective

Nguzo Africa Community Foundation


Partners of the Americas

Peace Direct



Reimagine Peacebuilding

STAR Ghana Foundation

Taboa Fortalecimento Comunitário

Taranaki Foundation



Thubutu Africa Initiatives

Torchlight Collective

Union Temporal Construyendo Esperanza

University of New Mexico – Health Sciences Center – Office for Community Health – Community Health Worker Initiatives

Utah valley University

Yemenis in Exile

Zambian Governance Foundation for Civil Society

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